Family-based immigration is one of the most common ways individuals seek to obtain legal residency in the United States. The process can be complex, involving numerous forms, requirements, and potential obstacles. At Greeves & Roethler, PLC, we are committed to helping families navigate these challenges to reunite with their loved ones legally and efficiently.
Service Overview
Our family-based immigration services include assistance with:
- Immediate Relative Visas
- Family Preference Visas
- Fiancé(e) Visas
- Adjustment of Status
Key Components
Immediate Relative Visas:
- Overview: Immediate relatives of U.S. citizens (spouses, unmarried children under 21, and parents) can apply for visas without numerical limitations.
- Process: Steps to apply, including filing Form I-130 (Petition for Alien Relative) and Form I-485 (Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status).
Family Preference Visas:
- Overview: Visas for extended family members (siblings, married children, and unmarried children over 21) with annual numerical limits.
- Categories: Explanation of the different preference categories (F1, F2A, F2B, F3, F4) and their respective requirements.
Fiancé(e) Visas (K-1 Visa):
- Eligibility: Requirements for a U.S. citizen to bring their foreign fiancé(e) to the United States.
- Process: Steps involved, including filing Form I-129F (Petition for Alien Fiancé(e)) and subsequent marriage within 90 days of entry.
Adjustment of Status:
- Eligibility: Who can apply for adjustment of status to become a lawful permanent resident.
- Process: Filing Form I-485 and attending a biometrics appointment and interview.
Common Issues and Solutions
Incomplete Documentation:
- Issue: Missing or incorrect documents can delay the process.
- Solution: Detailed checklist and review process to ensure all documents are accurate and complete.
Proving Bona Fide Relationships:
- Issue: USCIS requires proof of genuine relationships to prevent fraud.
- Solution: Guidance on collecting and presenting evidence, such as joint financial records, photos, and affidavits.
Long Processing Times:
- Issue: Family-based visa applications can take months or even years to process.
- Solution: Strategies to expedite the process and regular follow-ups with USCIS.
Family-based immigration is essential for reuniting loved ones and building a life together in the United States. Greeves & Roethler, PLC, provides expert legal guidance to ensure your family-based immigration journey is as smooth and efficient as possible. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you bring your family together.